Board of Advisors: Marvin Kang

Marvin is a civil servant, currently at the Land Transport Authority (LTA) of Singapore, working on the rail policies for the Thomson East-Coast Line. Prior to working at LTA, Marvin was at the Higher Education Division, Ministry of Education, dealing with university matters and SkillsFuture. From Feb 2017, he will be joining the Ministry of Communications and Information, Industry Division.
Something his friends often tease him about, Marvin had experienced most parts of Singapore’s formal education system, having gone both through both the Junior College and Polytechnic pathways. He completed his undergraduate studies in Business Administration at the National University of Singapore, before pursuing postgraduate studies in Public Policy at the Harvard Kennedy School.
Together with a group of fellow enthusiasts, Marvin volunteers at The Apprenticeship Collective, a not-for-profit organisation they quite unwittingly founded to provide opportunities for youths to try out different professions, in the process exploring what they might find interesting, meaningful, or purposeful to do in life.